Varda Rotem | Sculptures

N.Y Exhibition - Small Sculptures The series constitutes the foundation of the next group of sculptures that Rotem would design, inspired by figures from the suffering world of civil service and bureaucracy, the tyrannical and totalitarian world of the Czech-Jewish writer Franz Kafka.
The artist deals with the human situation, particularly with solitude. The a-morphic figures that she creates try to break out of the walls and climb onto barricades in the desperate hope of finding a way out. Her sculptures are in constant motion toward the unknown or toward an abyss.
Occasionally they grow a sort of wings, expressing the desire to rise about the walls of solitude, and at the same time immortalize it as the existing situation.
The names of all Rotem's sculptures are taken from Kafka's texts: 'Exist Gate', 'Advance Date', 'Except for the other', and 'Sir Garden. Kafka's spirit hovers over all of Rotem's figures, lending them their dramatic character. Using Perspex blocks, Rotem builds a living compound with double meaning.
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